MERRY CHRISTMAS Everyone!!!, ok, so it's a few days late, wow where does the time go!! We'll play catch up and get in all the news that's fit to print since the last posting. Well, it's Christmas time, this year Sheryls new found son (Joeseph)and his wife (Audrey) came in, as well as Kailiegh and our little one Claria. Chris couldn't make it as he was on call. We actually celebrated Christmas on Sunday insted of Tuesday, because Joe and Audrey could only stay for the weekend. We opened presents and had Christmas dinner (Ham and all the fixin's) yummy, yummy, and just had a great visit with everyone. Kailiegh and Claria did get to stay for a few more days, it has been nice having them around, and Sheryl gets to play Gama that much longer :)

Here is the gang siting in the present opening aftermath, it was a good old fashioned Christmas this year, few presents and more about spending time together.

Our Christmas Photo.

Even the house was in the Christmas spirit, all decorated up.

We did have quite the northern storm roll in, 40-50 mph winds, poor Xmas decorations just couldn't stand up to the on slot, the storm brought a couple inches of snow also, but it quickly melted off as the next day was quite warm, got to love this north Texas weather!!!

About mid December we started seeing the geese come in for their pit stop while heading further south. You can hear the honking as they fly by, seems as if there are geese everywhere one minute and the next their gone.
Been keeping myself busy, one more step toward the future and our travels. Been working on a storage system for the jeep, as you can imagine there's not much room for taking all you need for a few days out and about. With the seat removed, I put down a wood sub floor to level out the seat belts and other humps and bumps. Then found a great deal on a ATV cargo basket at work, so it is being fabricated to make a second level for more storage. Everything is removable, so we can still carry a passenger or two.
Ok, not much else has happened, just work, lots of it for me, and Sheryl seems extra busy at the ER (gee put a little ice on the roads and.......lets just say job security for her....lol) Now were getting ready for New Years, so until we see you next year, keep Lovin Your Life!!!