Another weekend has come to an end, didn't really do much this weekend as Sheryl wasn't feeling to good, plus she had to work. This is Monday and Sheryl did work for a little bit today, but was off at 7:00. We came home and I whipped up one of my dinners, actually one Kayla had reminded me of the other day. A Korean dish I learned how to make while in Korea, I had not made it in a long time and Kayla said she actually missed having it. After dinner Sheryl said, let's go explore the area, so off in the jeep we went. We ended up in the little town of Claude, TX. where we found this BBQ place pictured above, we both just laughed out loud when we saw it and just had to have a picture. The whole town was pretty much closed, but they do have a small town square, a museum and an old fashion soda fountain as well as the BBQ joint, we will come back another day to check it all out and will have more to talk about then.

The veggie garden is really taking off, much bigger than last posting, tomato's are beginning to ripen, plants are blooming flowers and the lettuce just needs to get a little bigger. First thing will be to pick some lettuce, tomato's and red onion, bring them in and make a salad, can't get any fresher than that.....yummy!!!
The tree we thought we killed is really coming back, even more leaves and flowers every day and since this picture was taken a couple of days ago......were so happy we didn't murder the poor thing.

The front gardens are just a flowering away also, all the flowers and plants make the front of the house look really nice and all the rose bushes make for a wonderful aroma when you walk outside or are just hanging out on the front porch swing.
That's about it for the weekend update, so take care and see ya on the puter.