Yes indeed, another year older and another year wiser (ok, well older 49 years ago, I was born a poor black child (oh wait, that was from a Steve Martin I was born in Indiana, where we promptly moved to Florida, I joined the Air Force after a brief stint in FL law enforcement and here I am with a beautiful, wonderful lady and just lovin our life...hmmmm where have I heard that before?????? Speaking of the wonderful lady, she arranged quite the birthday surprise, a nice romantic dinner at a Japanese Steak house, a luxury suite at the best hotel in town, Champagne in the room.....yes, quite the evening....won't go into any more details as I'm sure you get the rest!!!! :) To sum it up, it was a really great birthday!!!

Notice anything different about Jeep?? well she has a new smile on the front, if you didn't notice then check the parade pic's, go ahead I'll wait.........................................yes she has a new bumper!! It was custom made by a friend of mine (Jackie) who owns a Jeep and Fabrication business, he does great work. Next project for Jackie is to cover Jeeps rear with a new bumper and tire carrier, but that will be a little bit down the road.

Better late than never, see the new flag on the house, yup same one Jeep carried in the Veterans Day parade, well, finally got around to putting it on the house, we have been wanting to put one up for a while, so here it is.
That's it for this addition, you all take care, where ever you may be, and love your life as we do ours!!!