Well, it's been a couple of weeks now since we last posted and wow does time fly when working 2 jobs. Working both at Fabwright and Gander Mountain sure does make for some long days and longer work weeks, only 4 days off per month and 2 evening off per week. I'm not complaining because it helps keep my mind occupied and from missing Sheryl so much. Sheryl is still in Long Beach, CA. and is coming to the end of her assignment. Shes not to happy at this hospital and can't wait to leave and move on to her next assignment. She is looking at changing travel companies to one with more assignment selection, she did find one with more choices and is looking at New Mexico. This would put her closer to here and with in a few hours drive (that would be nice).

Here is my new ride, well for part of the week anyway, the job is going good, the route is usually over by 12:00- 1:30 pm depending on the number of stops. I'm learning alot working with Jackie and getting to do more and more each day. Above are a couple of shots of the shop and the type of work we do. The Land Rover in the picture is having a completely new frame installed, quite a project for the shop, so will be interesting to see how it progresses.

The other day, Sheryl had a day off and decided to get out and about. She ended up at Dana Point, CA. and said hey, why not take a whale watching excursion, and so she did. As luck would have it the batteries in the camera died right after boarding the boat, so no pics of the adventure. :( She did however get a shot of the boat and a couple others.

Here she is looking so LA.
No whales were spotted this time, however she said the was a school of dolphins around the boat that must have been a couple hundred strong. The were jumping and playing everywhere as well as schooling and feeding on the fish as they worked together to gather. The dolphins, seals and other wildlife still made the trip worth wild though.
That's it for now, so until next time, keep lovin your life as we do ours!!!