Big news of the day, Sheryl has lost 60 pounds in her quest for a healthier life and when a woman looses that much and goes from a size 18 to a size 6, that can only mean one thing.......SHOPPING!!!!!!. Gander Mountain just happened to be running a huge clearance sale on last years summer clothes they found in the back room, I knew Sheryl wold need something to wear for summer, so off we went. Wow did she do good, we didn't realize how god to we got home. She picked up several pairs of shorts and capris, and as many or more summer shirts, with my discount it cost us around $110.00, not bad you say, well it gets better!!. We decided to gather up all the tags and check how much they sold for orginally, and see just how much we saved, well, can you say over $700.00 retail!!! we saved right at $600.00!!! You just have to let bargins like that be known.......did we do go or what!!!

Speaking of deals, we were at the Jeep Club meeting and one of the guys we have gotten to know, asked if I needed a roof rack for my jeep. I have been toying with the idea of putting one on, but didn't know if I would like the look or not. Anyway, he said he had one to part with, ok, so now the big question, how much?? He said I'll give it to you, just come and get it, well with an offer like that, you just can't pass it up. So the following weekend, off to Dumas TX. we go, we meet up with Jess and pick up the rack, good thing we brought the trailer, it was bigger than expected. Jess also had a front light bar, to grt rid of, so in the trailer it went also. We visited for a bit, but we had to meet up with Sheryls sister for lunch. We visited with Carol for a bit and headed back home for a list of honey-dos, ahhhhh a man's work is never done.....lol.

Wedding plans are coming along nicely, Sheryl is doing a great job putting all together and just having a great time doing it. It's going to be an elegant event, but not over the top. We found a place for our honeymoon, and decided to venture from the norm a little, how does 4 days of whitewater rafting in Colorado's Arkansas river sound!!!, yup an adventure honeymoon, ok, well with a little luxury thrown in. We will be staying at a diferent Bed & Breakfast each night after a full day on the river (as insted to camping on the river, which were not apposed to, just thoght it would be alittle more honeymoony this way) Gong to be a fun trip!!!
Ok, thats it for now, so take care and Keep Lovin your Life as we do ours!!!