Big news for the family, Chris flew out to meet Kayla while she was in Vegas for a bowling tourney, however, on his way, he stopped by Amarillo to ask me for Kayla's hand in marriage. Wow it's take a great guy and someone who really cares about his girl, to arrange a special trip to ask the proper way. I think Chris is a good guy and as Kayla really seems to be head over heals in love, so of course I said yes. This was all of course without Kayla's knowledge, so it was cute to hear her call Thursday night and tell me "I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!" She seems really happy, and they are looking at the spring/fall of 2009 wedding, so they are not just rushing into it.

Sheryl and I attended the Gander Mountain Holiday Party on the 13th, turned out to be a pretty nice affair, held at the Country Barn restaurant here in town, all you could eat BBQ and fixins. We had not been there before, and it is nice enough inside and the food was good, so we may make it a regular stop on our eating out list. During the party, several prizes were raffled off, and we won the Digital Camera, it's a 8.0 MP Nikon, comes with a adjustable tripod and water proof case, very nice!!! Not only only did we win the camera, we also won 1 of 4 $100.00 bills they were giving away!!! Quite the productive evening we had.

Kailiegh and her grandmother Kay stopped by for the weekend for a quick visit, it was nice to see them both. We all did the standard visiting and catching up. Kay left Sunday morning and Sheryl drove Kaileigh back yesterday to OKC. Sheryl will be back this evening (sure do miss her even when she is gone only for one night)
That's it for now, more of life's little adventures happened also, but nothing really note worthy, so until next time, keep loving your life as we do ours.