Another week of work ended and a weekend of fun began!!! A really nice couple one street over from us, organized a neighborhood block party, and they did a really nice job. All that was required was to bring a covered dish, so as you could imagine there was a lot of food (boy was there!!!) Sheryl did up her famous Artichoke/Spinage dip (yummmmmy.) There was a sign in sheet, name tags, lots of good folks and lots of fun. The street was blocked off and there was even a band!! and for just two guys, they were actually pretty good. We met some new people and hopefully some new friends. The evening weather cooperated with beautiful temps and a nice breeze.
Tuesday, Sheryl and I both had the day off, so we decided to head down to Lubbock to have Zoom, Zooms oil changed, no appointment required as they always say when we call down to the Volvo dealer. Well of course you know why I put in that last statement........yup, drove all the way down (120 miles) and you guessed, sorry were all booked up......abit miffed to say the least, but got over it (what, was I going to be mad all day, naw.) While we were in Lubbock, we wanted to check out an RV dealer who handles Newmar Coaches, so off we went to find the dealer, wasn't to hard, right off the loop. Wow, we looked at some of the new coaches, and damn there nice. Sheryl had never been in a Newmar product before (one of the better brands) and she sure was taken by how nice they were, we actually found a really great coach in our price range, too bad it's not time to by yet. Well as I said in the last post, Newmar or Tiffin, we can't go wrong either way. After we finished up their, it was off to the mall (got to keep mama happy) spent some time there just window shopping, headed over to the Texas Roadhouse for dinner and then the return trip home.
Poor Sheryl, shes got so many things spinning around in her little head and with 09 seeming so far away, she is having a bit of a time keeping our RV dream alive in her head....I can understand, so I do what I can to remind her it's really not that far off and will be here before we know it, so hang in there baby...Fridays coming!!!
Cassie is talking about going in the Army when she graduates high school, they are the only service with a veterinary program, and take care of all the services dogs. She loves animals so it will be a good way for her to get on her feet after high school, learn a trade, earn a paycheck and become an independent woman.
Ok, enough for now, Keileigh and Chris will be coming in this weekend for her baby shower, so more to come on that, so keep lovin your life and see ya next time!!!