Outdoor Recreation (the folks that are actually responsable for the Campground) brought these new toys to the campground. They asked me if I wanted to use them to mow the large field (a few acres) used as the dry camp area. These guys are responsable for the mowing and only come out for an hour per week to mow. Our contract states lite grounds keeping, and for some reason that just dosent seem to lite.....lol. Appears as if they are just trying to push off their job on us, so I think I'll decline. We have more than enough to to do with just weed control and general housekeeping. With the number of hours we are required to be here for the compensation provided, we're happy doing just whats required.
Not complaining about the campground or our duties, just don't like trying to be taken advantage of. We are enjoying being Campground Hosts, especially meeting new and interesting people each day.
We are Mike & Gerri aka happytrails and we are fellow full-timers that are currently camp hosting at FDR State Park in Georgia.
We have enjoyed reading and getting caught up with your adventures. I had to chuckle when I read todays post. I can relate.
Take care!
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
Sadly what you just experienced with the new toys...lol...is just the beginning. Having workamped every worker that is where you are will try and see what else you can do to make THEIR JOB easier. I workamped twice and found this to be very true. My dream of seeing America never happened while workamping because I was either working or on call and could not leave to see the area...I hate to say it but workampers have become slave labor. Where else can you get someone to paint, mow, weed eat, clean toilets, fix sewer lines, do electrical work, etc all for a site. About 3 bucks an hour is not worth it anymore to me. There are thousands of part time jobs in towns all across America because they will not hire full time employees because they do not want to pay them benefits. Example: my first workamping job the first month I painted the 2 story clubhouse/office. A painter would have cost them over 5,000 bucks but I did it for the site of 350 bucks..it is a great deal for the rv park owner but not so much a great deal for the workamper. Hope I didn't burst your bubble but you did mention your contract with the park..well guess what..it is only good if BOTH parties live up to what it says..both my jobs it was worthless and if you quote to the owner something about the contract they will say something like....you are not much of a team player or something really stupid like don't you like workamping...hope all works for you and you don't get abused to much.
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